Friday, February 19, 2010

Baby "M" in the oven :)

Here is a sneak peek of a dear family friend, Tammy and her hubby Tom, with baby "M" in the oven! lol These guys are doing the impossible, and waiting to see if they'll be blessed with a boy or a girl but either way this little ones name will begin with "M" :)

It's getting very close the the arrival date, so I hope to hear the news soon.

Thank you for having me up to Toronto to capture these images for you, I truly hope you love them!! xo

Monday, February 15, 2010

Rae Marie

OMGosh! Meet baby Rae. A sweet Rae of Sunshine! My daughter Sarah and I had so much fun with her at Wall Springs Park. It was a couple weeks ago, before the yucky cold snap we have now. This day was a perfect spring day, sunny, cool and crisp outside. I forgot just how much fun it is to play at the park with a 15 month old!!