Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The big Sister!!

What a complete bundle of joy big sister, Tianna is :) From the moment I arrived it was all smiles. Our goal was to capture both the new baby, Michael and Tianna together in one image. sounds easy right??? Well, trust me it was a bit of a chalenge. I managed to get a few and I sure hope you like them.

{I love how Tianna is holding Michaels hand}

{here she is, the little bundle of joy!!}

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Baby Gianni

Meet Gianni~ 11 weeks new

Oh my, what a sweetheart this little guy is. Just as my luck seems to go, Gianni was wide awake when I arrived. We captured a few shoots before we tried to get him to sleep. It took a little while to get Gianni off, he just needed his mama special touch :) Once he was off...he just let us mold him what ever way we wanted. As always it was a fun shoot :)

Here's a sneak peek from the session! Enjoy

How sweet is this little family?? Love it :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Custom Graduation Announcements!!

Yes, it's graduation time...already. Every school year seems to pass by too quickly but, this year has been the fastest. Maybe I feel it more because I have a senior graduation this year, even as a write this I am in disbelief! The good news is our son is ready, excited and just can't wait. I am going with the idea that that means we did our job. On a personal note, I am certainly not ready, not ready to see him leave home. Geesh...I could go on and on here...sorry :)

It's Grad Time! this means great custom announcements!

There are all kinda of sizes and styles ~each style design just for you!

Here is the newest design form Riane's session, let me know what you think!
~Front side of the 5x7 flat card

~Back side of the 5x7 flat card

Senior fun in down town Dunedin

Monday night was so much fun! I met with Riane and her mom down town Dunedin. Our original plan was to begin at the beach however, the wind was crazy so we ventured into town for some great shots. There is quite a few cool areas downtown.

We'll give the beach another go later this week :)

Here is a sneak Peek of Riane's shoot. enjoy

~The old box car

~Kelly's Restaurant

~ the great pink brick wall

~ The old Post Station

Thursday, April 2, 2009

{Newborn Casting Call} ~ spread the word

Newborn Model Casting Call:

I am currently conducting a casting call to capture a few new ideas that have been swimming around my head and notebooks. If you know a mommy that is expecting multiples soon or fits one of the other criteria please pass this along to her.

casting call information
~ casting call session is free (if you would like to order prints you can from our regular pricing)

~ casting call sessions are geared towards capturing a vision or particular shot, if times permits others will be captured also

~ Tampa Bay - area
Sessions are on-location in the comfort of your home

~ a model release is required as the images will be used for my portfolio

current casting calls needs:

~ a set of twins & triplets…to be photographed the first week of life or first week of being released from the nicu.

~ newborn under 7 days old with a physically fit daddy for some beautiful skin on skin images

~ dark skinned newborn under 7 days old

New Business Cards!

What simple pleasures....new business cards are on the way! I was just so happy with baby Michael's images I just had to create a new card. I was ready for a fresh look.

*Special note
My friend Jennie from Look Who's Kick'n 4D ultra sounds is having a open house on May 2nd! So, if you or anyone you might know is pregnant help spread the word. There will be specials on ultra sounds, I'll be there offering mini shoots for maternity & newborns & there will be lots of neet baby vendors too.
Look Who's Kick'n
3000 Gulf to Bay Blvd, Suite 303 Clearwater, FL 33759 call Jennie at 727.785.6424