Friday, March 27, 2009

So fresh & new...10 days old

What a lovely day today was. I had a great shoot this morning. Passed clients of mine have been blessed twice now with the birth of thier new baby boy, Michael. Born on St. Patrick's Day! This was a last minute session that just happened to work out for today, and I so happy it did. Michael was a dream, took a little it to get him off to sleep but the wait was well worth it. I left there this morning with that new baby buzz that left me smiling allday long!

Here is a sneek peek of baby Micheal. Enjoy!

What a sweet pea!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

sand & shells

I can't even tell you how great if feels to be heading to the beach after what seems like a year of winter! I think it might be safe to say "Spring has Sprung!!"
Yesterday I had the pleasure of playing at the beach with our friends from Canada and their sweet baby son, Caeden. Caeden couldn't get enough of the sand and shells, he wanted know part in anything else!
Here is a sneak peek of Caeden playing at Sand Key Beach, FL, enjoy!

Oh, I just love this one!! Amber, you are a perfect mommy!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Baby on the way...very soon!

This adorable mommy to be is just glowing, and so ready to have this baby! In fact she just might be at the hospital right now! Here is a sneak peek of the session, enjoy!

~ can't wait till the guy arrives :)

Daniel ~ 2.6.09

It's official my break it over!!! And, I couldn't be more energized and excited about photography. Please meet Daniel, 4 weeks old and as cute as a button. Mom and I tried and tried to get this little guy to sleep but he wanted no part of that. He was for the most part wide awake and so easy going.

Here is a little sneak peek of the session, enjoy!

Here are the only sleepy photos :)